Creative Printing and Graphic Solutions Brought to Light
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Cross Marketing

Cross Media Marketing is the most effective way to maximize your marketing dollars for customer acquisition and retention. Cross Media Marketing is a turn-key, measurable marketing campaign that gets customers in your door… Custom designed for your specific goals and objectives.

Target Your Prospects

With Cross Media Marketing you can more effectively target your prospect and learn what they are looking for. First, you pinpoint your most likely customers by geographic area, income, age, home ownership, occupation, automobiles, lifestyles, etc. Then, you invite them to “opt in” by volunteering more information about themselves. Finally, you reward them with a tailored offer.

It’s a win/win relationship. The more you learn about your customer, the better you are able to give them what they want in terms of offer, personalization and frequency. Ideally, the customer comes to value their relationship with you as much as you value your customer.

Contact RNV Graphics for a free consultation on your next project.